One of Paddle Alberta’s main objectives is to support recreational based paddling clubs that focus on Canoeing, Rec/Sea Kayaking and Stand up Paddle boarding. These supports include:
Subsidized insurance
Trip coordinator best practices
Funding support for:
paddling equipment
building/storage development
instructor/leadership training
Special event funding
Networking with other clubs
Advertising via social media and our website
How to form a Club:
Clubs that want to be members of Paddle Alberta and access our supports must be an incorporated society in Alberta.
Paddle Alberta is here to support new and up and coming recreational paddling clubs in the province. With the help of the Alberta Whitewater Association we’ve compiled some resources to help you get started. There are many different disciplines in paddling. To find what provincial paddling organization can help support you’re club, please see the AWA “So you want to start a Kayak club” pdf. Note, some clubs in the province are members of both the AWA and Paddle Alberta to access the supports of each organization.
Please reach out to Paddle Alberta and/or the Alberta Whitewater Association if you need help with getting a club started in your area. You can reach Paddle Alberta by email: or the AWA by their website linked above.