Org Member Subsidy Program

Apply for an Annual Org Membership

The Paddle Alberta Org Member Subsidy Program offers an opportunity for Paddle Alberta organizational members to develop their recreational paddling programs with earned credit-based funds from Paddle Alberta. Your organization can decide how to allot its earned funds within the eligible paddling-related choices of: equipment, building/facility and instructor development certification. ONE total grant is offered during the “casino time period.”This is not an annual grant.

Organizations earn credit by volutearing on the PADDLE ALBERTA board, working Casino Shifts and attending our AGM’s.

Please contact Paddle Alberta for more details.


For a casino time period, Paddle Alberta Member Club X has potentially earned:

How To Earn Credit-Based Matching Funds For Your Organization Through Your Participation in Paddle Alberta : 
Credit $500 per current Paddle Alberta Member organization per casino time period. It is conditional on attendance at ONE Paddle Alberta annual general meeting.
Required attendance at an AGM during the Casino time period.
Credit $500 per Paddle Alberta Board or Executive position per casino time period. 
Credit $200 per Paddle Alberta Board or Executive Committee position per casino time period. 
Credit $200 per Paddle Alberta Casino volunteer shift per casino time period. 
Potential total matching funds earned for your organization for the casino time period (To receive matching funds, your organization must spend an equal sum which does not include 5% GST. For example, to receive the full $500 grant your receipt(s) must total $1050 or more.)TOTAL: $500.00


Eligible Category Details for Matching Funds Program for Paddle Alberta Members:

(Note Commercial Members and Individual Instructor Members ARE eligible ONLY for Instructor Development Certification fund category below.)

  1. Equipment: specialized paddling-related equipment such as canoes, kayaks, paddling accessories (i.e. paddle, PFD, throw bag, safety equipment)
  2. Building/Facility: paddling-related building/facility development or upgrade.
  3. Instructor Development Certification: expenses directly related to providing any Paddle Alberta /Paddle Canada Instructor Certification courses, nationally recognized Water Rescue Safety courses and first aid courses required as prerequisites for PC and Paddle Alberta Instructor courses.
    Note: This does not include funds for River Kayaking Instructor courses. Please contact the Alberta Whitewater Association for river kayaking instructor course grants.

If you have any questions or concerns, please Email Paddle Alberta.

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